Lonford Barony EagleCrossCrownHammer  Branden Irish_norse-CoinBlondelCrestMeath Normandy  LongfordSealHeader


Baron of Temple-Michael

County Longford Ireland - Ancient county of Westmeath

The castle of Longford has been the scene of several conflicts, the principal of which occurred in the year 1641, at which time the Irish besieged and captured the building for the O'Ferralls, the ancient lords of this town and district. At that sanguinary period destruction generally followed surrender, and the garrison were put to the sword, although, as is said, they had been promised quarter.

In regard to ecclesiastical arrangement, Longford is situated in Temple-Michael parish; and the sum of 3490/. has been received from the board of first fruits, towards the erection of a spacious and handsome church, acting as a place of protestant worship for the union at large. Near the town is a charter school for sixty boys.

The town was incorporated in the year 1668, but the grant of a weekly market had been obtained in 1605, by Richard, the tenth baron of Delvin. Independent of those already noticed, the principal buildings, of a public character, are a court-house, gaol, and barracks.—Longford gives the title of earl to the family of Pakenham, whose principal seat in Ireland we have noticed in our description of the county of Westmeath.




IX. 29.-—“ Grant under the commission for the plantation of Longford. to Thomas Nugent.—Longford County. The town and lands of Corroboymore, Correyboybegg, Aghenteskin, Carrickmacinleney, Fyermore, Aghencownalle, alias Aghenitanvally, Lissenuske, Killoge, Keallragh, Clennenegenny, Lenemore, and Corlukillog, 643a. pasture, and 46a. bog and wood, excepting thereout the lands of Ballenegoshenagh, 96a., and Ballygarnett, 296a. pasture, and 43a. bog and wood ; Cornemow, 50a. pasture, and 6a. bog and wood, barony of Longford; the castle and lands of Lissenoannagh, 113a. pasture, and 24a. bog and wood, barony of Granard ; Clonedarramner and Annaghguillen, 32a. pasture, and 298a. bog and wood; Clonfelym, Clonynbegg, Diryushy, and Derrycullin, 30a. pasture, and 137a. bog and wood, barony of Longford. To hold i n capite, by military service ; rent for the l,164a. pasture, £12 2s. 6d., Engl., and for the 554a. bog and wood, 11s. 6%d. Those lands created the manor of Correboymore, with court leet and view of frank-pledge and court baron; with power to appoint seneschals and other oflicers, with jurisdiction in all actions for covenant and trespass where the damages do owt exceed 40a., Ir.; with power to make tenures; to have free warren; to enjoy all escheats. https://books.google.com/books?pg=PA114&lpg=PA114&dq=%22manor+of+Correboymore%22+longford&sig=An0rKVATagZpiEzdo5YQLvZvUbs&id=-gorAQAAMAAJ&ots=IdtfQcKadr&output=text


Thomas Nugent, 4th Earl of Westmeath, one of the commissioners for Plantation of Longford. Thomas Nugent, 4th Earl of Westmeath (1669–1752)







