Lonford Barony EagleCrossCrownHammer  Branden Irish_norse-CoinBlondelCrestMeath Normandy  LongfordSealHeader


Court Barons of Longford  - The Manors and Barons

There are several Longford and (Pre Longford Westmeath) Grants in the History of Longford related to "court baron", frank pledge, senachals, manors, castles, and hereditaments that were granted to Lord Delvin and the Nugent family in capite or forever.

Many of the grants in Longford to Baron Delvin were "in Capite" forever, or for military service and knights fees.

These grants even contained "Market and Fair" rights with rights to courts in Longford.  Most of the large grants occured with King Philip and Mary, Queen Elizabeth, and King James I.

Other grants to Baron Delvin include major land grants in capite from the Commission of the Plantation of Longford.

' VLV.—-27. Grant from the King to Mary, lady Delvin, widow .of lord Christopher, and her son sir Richard Nugent, baron of .Delvin -  Westmeath or Longford, Co.    The site of the late monastery or Priory of Cannons of the Holy-Island, all the buildings and 2 q" of land within the said site thereof—Darrenye and Dirrenegellsgh, 2 q" each, containing 80‘ arable, 10‘ pasture, ,10‘ underwood, and 80‘ be -in Sruhir, 1 q' containmo 20‘ .arable, and 10‘ pasture—in C arue, l qr containing 80‘ arable and 10‘ wood and underwood—in Kerowbeg , 2 q"I containing 60‘ arable, and 80‘ bog and pasture—in Kerowmore, 1 q' containing 30‘ arable, and 15‘ underwood—in Cashell, 2 q" containing 60‘ arable, and 80‘ wood and pasture—in Kerovantie, 1 q‘ containing 80‘ arable and 10‘. wood and pasture—the rectories, 'vicarages, tithes and  hereditaments of Rathline and Cashell—the' vicarages and tithes of Sruhir, Killire, Killnomer, and Kilronen, and the tithes of the rectories—the tithes of the lands of Dirreine and Dirrenegealagh; parcel of the estate of the said prior ; demised in reversion to Christopher lord Delvin, 10 June 28‘h liz. for 80 years at 21l 9‘ 0d Ir.—Westmeath Co’. The town or hamlet of Hilton, with 2 messuages, 8 cottages, 240‘ arable, pasture, meadow, and beg; parcel of the estate of the late Friary of Fower; ,valued at 2‘ 13‘ 4‘ by the year.—Longford, Co’. A castle and certain lands containing 1 cartron or the 4“ part of a carucate in Monilagan; parcel of the estate of Rory Bane M“ Laughlin, attainted ; valued at 8‘ Ir.—in Aughengor, 1} cartron; parcel of the estate of Morogh O’Farrell and Connor M‘ Auly of the same, attainted; valued at 1‘ 4d Ir.—the castle of Newton, and a moiety of 8 cartrons in Corbally and Newton; parcel of the estate of Lisau h Dufi'e O’Farroll of Corballye, attainted; valued at 3‘ 4d Ir.—t e moiet of 1 cartron in Newton and Corbally; parcel of the estate of rian Mc Shane, late of Newton, attainted; valued at 1‘ 4‘ Ir.—an island and half a cartron called the Cloninge, or Cloning; parcel of the estate of Cahell O’Farroll of the same, attainted; valued at 2‘ 6d—the castle of the Monte or Moate and 5 cartrons there; parcel of the estate of Rossey O’Farroll, valued at 13‘ 4" Ir.-the castle and 2 cartrons of Lisnevoa, valued at 6‘ Ir.—in Killenlassaragh or Killenasaragh, 46l—in Ballim‘karmick, 86'; all being parcels of the estate of the said Rosse O’Farroll, valued at 30’—in Bealamore, l cartron, and the lough of Mill-Heade near Granardkille; parcel of the estate of Gerald Mc Teige, attaintcd; valued at 2’ 6d.——WESTMEATH Co’. In Clonlonan Bar. In Monkston; near. Balliloghlo 2 small cartrons, each containing 1 carueate; parcel of the estate of the Abbey of Larha, in Longford co..6‘ 8d lr.—Total rent 271 12‘ 4“ Ir.— To hold forever in fee farm as of the castle of Dublin, in common socage, and tomaintain upon these premises two able horsemen of the English nation, or born within the Pale, for the defense of the. kingdom—7 Dec. 3'“.



 In the 13th Century in England the barons ceased to be peers, unless so created, but in Scotland, up to the year 1587,—in which year, various acts, drawn up by Lord Menmuir [see article BALCARREs, ante, p. 199] were passed for regulating the form and order of parliament and the vote of the barons,—the title of baron was common to all the landed proprietors or lairds, holding their lands directly of the Crown.
The feudal system was introduced into England by the Norman Conquest. Its pressure on the common people was aggravated by the completeness of the subjection of the Saxon race. All the land was held by feudal tenure, and there was no allodium. The few Saxons who were permitted to retain their lands were brought under the feudal system; and the thanes were reduced to the condition of franklins, or simple freeholders. The Normans, who held most of the manors from the king, were called tenants-in-chief (in capite); and they were bound to knight service—that is, to maintain in the field, for forty days at a time, a certain force of their subtenants. This service extended to religious foundations and monasteries. Exclusive of these, 1400 tenants-in-chief and about 8000 mesne lords (holding fiefs not directly from the crown) are enumerated in Domesday Book.







