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Baron Delvin - 1452 he was appointed Seneschal of Meath (Kingdom of Meath)

Baron Delvin held thes Titles Related to County Longford and Westmeath :

  • Governor of Ireland - Baron Delvin 1534
  • Sheriff of Meath 1424
  • 1452 Seneshal of Meath
  • Lord Deputy Ireland 1444

The ancient Kingdom of Meath or Mide included not only the present counties of Meath and Westmeath, but also the baronies o f Garrycastle and Kilcoursey (now the northwestern part o f Co. Offaly) and the eastern part of modern day Co. Longford around Granard— in total it extended to almost 325,000 hectares

NUGENT, Sir RICHARD, tenth Baroit Delvin (d. 1460?), lord-deputy of Ireland, was eldest son of Sir William Nugent, who was sheriff of Meath in 1401 and 1402, and was much employed in Irish local government. Sir W illiam was descended from Christopher Nugent of Balrath, third brother of Sir Gilbert de Nugent, who had accompanied Hugh de Lacy [q. v.] to Ireland in 1171. SirGilbert had received from de Lacy after 1172 the barony of Delvin; but, as Sir Gilbert's sons died before him.

In 1444 he was appointed lord-deputy of Ireland under James, earl of Ormonde; and in 1449, previously to entering upon office in Ireland, Richard, duke of York, the new viceroy, again appointed the Baron of Delvin as his deputy. As deputy, he convened parliaments at Duhlin and Drogheda in 1449. In 1452 he was appointed seneschal of Meath; he died before 1475. He married Catherine, daughter and heiress of Thomas Drake of Carlanstown, co. Meath, and had issue three eons. His eldest son, James, died before his father; James's son Christopher (d. 1493) became eleventh Baron Delvin, and father of Richard Nugent, twelfth baron Delvin [q.v.]

 Image result for meath map kingdom

Citation https://books.google.com/books?pg=PA265&lpg=PA265&dq=1452+Seneschal+of+Meath+delvin&sig=ACfU3U2onVAS47v3mINwU7fcD-G6X1bHPg&id=fWhIAAAAYAAJ&ots=nsgNJYS6pe&output=text 


  Sir Richard Nugent, had summonses to Parliament in the years 1486, 1490, and 1493, and in 1496 was constituted by the Lords Justices and the Council Commander-in-Chief of all the forces destined for the defence of the counties of Dublin, Meath, Kildare, and Louth.

The transformation of this kingdom into a feudal lordship consisted of a
blend of change and continuity. Although it has been suggested that the de Lacy
lordship o f Meath was quite a new political identity, in that its boundaries did not exactly mirror those of any single earlier political unit, it is clear that in most places the earlier borders were maintained, and that where they were not, the new frontier was shaped by geographical features and by existing territorial units.

By Privy Seal, May 7, 1597, he had a grant from the Queen in fee farm of as many forfeited manors and lands in counties Cavan and Longford as should amount to the sum net of 100/. a year English, and a certain command of troops was to be assigned to him. But he dying before this warrant was executed, James L ordered, on the 10th of August, 1603, 60/. per annum in lands to be granted to his widow. 

Baron Delvin  sat in the Parliaments of 1613 and 1615,







