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The English Pale - Anglo Norman Feudalism Baronies and Feudal Titles in the Irish Kingdoms

Title: The ENGLISH PALE - From Ireland Government Website: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/3bfb9b4d-3e4e-49ac-8643-bc584183eaef

This document describes several baronies where the principles are Nugents.

Description: "A Perambulation of Leinster, Meath, and Louth, of which consist the English Pale. And first of the county of Dublin:"-- [Dated by Carew in the margin "1595."]
The barony of Cowlock.--The Lord Howth, at Howth; Nicholas Hollywood, at Tartayne; William Warren, at Dromcourath; Robert Barnewall, of Donbro; George Taylor, at Swordes; John Bath, at Balgriffin; Chr. FitzSimone, at Grange; Chr. Plunket, at Dunsaghly; Thomas Hacket, at Sutton; Gerrot Plunket, at Grange; John Talbot, at Malahyde; George King, at Clantarff; Chr. Russell, at Seaton; Richard Russell, at Dryneham; John Caddle, at Mooreton; George Caddle, at Caddleston; George Blackney, of Rykenhore; Richard Fagan, merchant, at Feltrym.
The barony of Balroddry.--Sir Patrick Barnewall, at Turvy; John Barnewall, at Brymoore; Chr. Cruce, at the Naall; John Finglas, at Wespelston; Richard Nettervyle, at Corballies; Nicholas FitzWilliam, at Homepatrike; Peter Traverse, at Ballykey; Patrick Bellewe, at Weston; Thomas Belling, of Bellingston; James Stanyhurst, of Corduff; Philip Couran, of Wyarston; William Coran, of Curragh; Nicholas Bigg, of Borarston; William Sedgrave, of the same; Patrick Finglas, of Tobberton; Janico Golding, of Tobbirsowle.
The barony of Castleknock.--Thomas Luttrell, of Luttrelstowne; Henry Burnell, of Castleknock; John Cardif, of Dunsinke; Bartholomew Dillon, of Keppoke; Patrick FitzGerot, of Damaston; James Dillon, of Huntstowne; Walter Sedgrave, of the W ----, merchant; John Beling, of Kilcoskan.
The barony of Newcastle.--Sir William Sarsfeeld, at Lucan; Marcus Barnewall, of Dromnagh; Gilbert Talbot, of Belgarde; Nathaniel Smith, of Dean-Rath; Patrick Browne, of Kissak, merchant; Stephen FitzWilliam, of Jobston; Martin Scurlock, of Ratheredant; Robert Pypho, of Hollywood.
The barony of Rathdowne.--The Archbishop of Dublin, at ----, two miles from Dublin; the ward FitzWilliam, at Meriogne; Garret Aylmer, at Munkton; John Walshe, at Shanganagh; William Goodman, at Laghnanstowne; James Wolveston, at Stalorgan; Tibbot Walsshe, at Killegarge; Peter Talbot, of Faghsaghere; Robert Talbot, at Tymolog; John Walshe, at Ballawlie; Peter Walshe, of Kilgobban; ---- Ashpoole, of Kenleston.
The distances of the above-mentioned places from the city of Dublin, and the boundaries of the county, are specified.
"The Birns' and Tooles' country with the Glins, that lie by south and by east the county of Dublin, was by commission bounded out into a shire, to be named and called the county of Wicklowe, and was divided into baronies as followeth;" sc., Nuecastell-Maghenegan, Inishboghim, Ballinicor, Talbot's Town, Holywood, and Castlekevin.
The boundaries of the county, and of the six baronies into which it is divided, are described at length.
III. "A COMMISSION, bearing date 21 February 1578, was directed to the persons underwritten."
William Gerrard, Lord Chancellor of Ireland, Hugh Bishop of Meath, Peter Lord of Trimleston, the Baron of Donboyne, Hugh Baron of Dungannon, Sir Edward Fyton, Treasurer, Sir Nicholas Bagnall, Marshal, Sir Lucas Dillon, Chief Baron, Mr. Garvy, Dean of Christ Church, Sir Thomas FitzWilliam, Sir Theobald Butler, Sir Cormock McTeig, Sir John Bellewe, Sir Hugh Magnisse, Robert Dillon, Thomas Dillon, Richard Shee, Nicholas Walshe, John Miagh, Edmund Butler, William Apsley, Francis Cosby, Harry Davells, Thomas Masterson, Patrick Goghe, alderman, Robert Harpoole, Robert Pypho, and William Hill.
"The same commission was returned, and subscribed with the hand of Sir William Drury, then Lord Justice, and making his journey that way.
"Sir Edward Fyton, Sir Lucas Dillon, Robert Pypho, Henry Davells, Thomas Masterson, commissioners.
"George Dormer, Bartholomew Russell, Aristotle Scurlock, Patrick Furlong, Richard Synot, consenters.
"This county or country hath, by west it, the county of Catherlagh; north-west, Kildare; flat north, Dublin; east, the main sea; and south, the county of Wexford."
Description of the county.
Arclo, the Earl of Ormond's manor and castle.
That part of the county north of the river Slane is possessed chiefly by the Irish called the Cavenaghes. "It hath on that north side also many English inhabitants;" sc., Synot of Clelande, Roth of Roth, Synot of Ballynerah in the Murros(?), Masterson at Fernes Castle (where also the Bishop's see is), Peppard at Glascarrig.
The Irish on that side the Slane are these: Donell Mortagh, Edmund O'Morowe of the O'Morowes' country, and others, "ever bad neighbours and rebellious people, under the government of William Synot, by lease from her Majesty."
"Other Irish nations are by east them to the sea. The countries are called the Kinshelaghes, Kilconelin, Kilhobock, Farinhamon, inhabited by Art McDermot, McDa More, McVadock, Darby McMorish, all under the government of Mr. Masterson."
On the south-west of the Slane are four English baronies, called Fort, Barge, Shelberre, and Shelmalen, and an Irish barony called the Duffree. The principal meu in the English are Browne of Malrancon (?), Devoureux of Balmagir, Chevers of Ballyhale, Forlong of Horton, FitzHarryes of Kilkevan, [the] Bishop of Fernes, Sir Thomas Colclough of Tyntern, Sir Dudley Losthowse of Kilclogan. In the Durffey dwell Sir Harry Wallop at Iniscorth, Piers Butler, the Viscount Mountgarret.
The boundaries of the county, and the distances of the above-mentioned places from the town of Wexford, are specified.
In the town of Kilkenny the Earl of Ormond has a castle, "wherein he maketh his chief abode."
Mr. Den, at Grenan; Walshe, at Castle Hely; Mr. Justice Walshe, at Glomemore; Sweeteman, at Castlelyf; Lovell, at Ballymaka; Garret Comerford, at Inchiolegan; Baron of Burn-churche, Shortall, at Ballylorcan; "Ballyn, six miles north," the Upper Court, Sir Richard Shee's house; Lord Mountgarret, at Beallagaret; Archdeacon, at Bawnemore; Mr. Peers Butler, at the Old Abbey; Richard Butler, now sheriff at Polliston; "Blanchevelston, four miles east;" Shortall, at Clagh: Cantwell, at Cantwelston; Purcell, at Ballyfoyle.
Distances from Kilkenny and boundaries specified.
"The Earl of Ormonde's chief manor there is Ravelly, and his territories reach along Clonmore and Fortanolan to Arclo."
Sir Edmund Butler, at Cloghgrenan. Warham St. Leger, at Laghlin fort; it is the Queen's. "The barony of Idrone, the ancient inheritance of Sir George Carewe, and by him sold to Dudley Bagnall, St. Leger hath, as guardian to Dudley's son." William Wall, Garret McMurtagh Cavenagh, Morgan McBryan Cavenagh, at Poble Tymolin.
Boundaries and distances specified.
The Earl of Kildare, at Maynowth, at Kilka, and at Rathangan; FitzGerald, at Lackagh; Sir William Sarsfield, at Tully; FitzGerald, at Castle Iskin; Captain Lea, at Castle Reban; Wesley, at the Norragh; FitzGerald, at Ballysonan; Ewstace, at Castlemartin; Sir Harry Harrington, at Golmoorston; FitzGerald, at Allon; John Alie, at Rathbryde; Ewstace, at Newlande; Ewstace, at Mallocashe; Beling, at Killussy; Herbert, at Collanstowne; Cowley, at Carbry Castle; FitzGerald, at Dunnocks; FitzGerald, at Osberston; Flatesbury, at Johnston; Sutton, at Tipper; Ewstace, at Cradockstowne; Brimingham, at Dunfert; Aylmer, at Clancurry; Aylmer, at Downada; Wogan, at Rathcoffy; Ewstace, at Clangloswoodd; Sarsfield, at Turning; Sir Harry Warren, at Castleton; Whyte, at Leyxlip; Allen, at St. Wolstan's; Aylmer, at Lyon; Aylmer, at Hartwell; Allen's son and heir, at Kylheede; Cheevers, at Rathmoore; Eustace, at Coffy.
Boundaries and distances specified.
Cosby (?), at Stradbally; Pigotts, at Dysart; Whitney, at Shyan; Hugh Boy Clandonell, at Tenekilleh; Tirence O'Dempsy, at Ballybrittas; Harpoole, at Coolbaneghar; Earl of Kildare, at Moyrit; Cosby, at Castle Dirrhy; Sir Thomas Colclough, at Ballyknockan; Edward Brierton, at Laghtiog; John Barri[n]gton, at the Cowlniagh; Loftus, at Tymoghoe; the Earl of Kildare, at Tymog; Hethrington, at Tully; Bowen, at Bally-Adames; Edmund McDonell, at Rhahin; Piers Hov[e]ndon, at Tanckardes-Towne.
The baronies are but small. They are Mariborough, Stradbally, Bally-Adams, Slemargh, Cullynagh, and Origan, O'Doyn's country.
Of Catherlagh Castle Harpoole is constable.
Distances from Mariburgh, boundaries, extent, &c., specified.
Sir George Colley, at Edinderie; Francis Herbert, at Monaster-Orys; Nicholas Sanky; Redmund Og FitzGerald, at Clownebolche; Barnaby Connor, at Dirrimollin; Tyrence Dempsy, at Clonegawny; William FitzGerald, at Geishell; Conell O'Moloy, at Ralyhen; John Macoghlan, of Coghlan; Hubbart Fox, at Lehinche; Sir Edward Herbert, at Dorrown; Sir John Tirrell, at Blacklowne; Sir Thomas Moore, at Croghan; Sir Henry Warren, at Ballybrittan; Thomas Wakeley, at Ballyburley; Garrett FitzGerald, at Corbetstowne; John Raynalds, at Cloyduff.
Distances from Philipstowne and boundaries specified.
Barony of Fertullogh.--Inhabited by the Tirells, of whom Sir John Tirrell is chief. His house is called the Pace. Nuecastle is held partly by Richard Nugent, and partly by William Tirrell FitzMorice.
Barony of Ferbilly.--Rathwire, the chief town, is the Earl of Kildare's. "The Darcies be possessioners there."
Barony of Delvin.--Delvin, the chief town, is possessed by the Lord of Delvin. His chief house is called Clonin. Other towns are: Dromkry, Teghmon, and Ballinemonoe. A great sept of the Nugents inhabit that barony.
The half barony of Fowre.--Chief town, Fowre. It is inhabited by the Nugents, and the chief gentleman is the owner or heir of Corolanston.
Barony of Corkry.--Multifernan, the chief town, is inhabited for the most part by the Nugents, of whom the best is Richard Nugent of Denewear.
Barony of Moyashell Moyassell.--Possessed by the Nugents and Tutes "of which the principal is Chr. Nugent, at Dardeston, and Edward Tute, late slain in Connaught, at Killenan."
Barony of Maghery Dernan.--Inhabited by the Petits, Tutes, and some of the Nugents. The chief of the Petitts, called Thomas, at Irishetowne. "Tutestowne, the best Tute's; and Welchetowne, Edward Nugent's."
Barony of Moygoise.--Chief inhabitants, Tute. of the Sunnagh; Piers, of Triscornagh; Richard Nangle, of Ballycorky; and James FitzGeralde, of the Laragh.
Barony of Moycassell.--Inhabited by the Magoghegans, Bryan, at Donewer; Hugh, now sheriff, at Castletowne; Art. at Balliconin; Con, at Syonan; the heir of Thomas, at Larath, and the heirs of Rosse Magoghegan, who hold Kiluber, Moycassell, Lysmoyne, Knockcosger, and the abbey of Kilbeggan.
Barony of Rathcoured, called the Daltons' country.--Chief town, Ballymore; Lough Swedy, Francis Shane's; at Dondonell, Henry Dalton; at Milton, the heirs of Richard Dalton; at Mollinmighan, Edmund Dalton; at Bisshopstowne, Peter Nangle; at Killare, Francis Shane.
Barony of Clondonnan, called O'Molaghlin's country.--Chief towns, Clonlonnan, Newcastle, and Kilgarvan, possessed by the O'Molaghlins. Calry, held by Magawle. "The chief is Balliloghlow." The Karne, held by William McGawle. Brawne-Oburny is annexed to Athloan.
Barony of Kilkenny, called Maghry-Cork, or Dillon's country.--Kilkenny-the-West, possessed by James Dillon, son and heir to the late Sir Lucas Dillon, Chief Baron. The inhabitants for the most part are Dillons. Captain Tibbot Dillon dwelleth at Killenfaghney.
Boundaries of the county specified.
Barony of Dunboyne.--Sir Geoffrey Fenton, of Dunboyne; Patrick Phippes, of Roan; John Delahoyde, of Bellander; Richard Bremigham, of Pace; Simon Rowe, of Waringstone; Richard Sale, of Salestowne; Alexander Barnwall, of Luston; Christopher Hollywoode, of Herbertstowne.
Ratowthe.--Sir Patrick Barnewell, of Crickston; Baron Sedgrave, of Killeglan; Barnewall, of Kilbrue; Thomas Plunkett, of Loughgoure; FitzWilliams, of Dunamore; Richard Ball, of Feydorffe; John Birford, of Killrowe; James Lee, of Clonresse; Patrick Lee, of Licianstown; John Sparke, of Rathtowth; Gellouse, of Gelloustowne; Richard Fowleing, of Parsonstowne; Delahoyde, of Donshaghlin, "and many freeholders;" Richard Reade, of Rowstowne; Thomas Russell, of Cookestowne.
Serine.--Baron of Killeene; Sir Robert Dillon; William Nugent, Baron of Skrine; Patrick Tankarde, of Castletowne; Patrick Brimigham, of Corballies; Richard Caddell, of Dowstowne; Richard Dillon, of Skrine; Edward Penteny, of the Cabbragh; Nicholas Cusake, of Ballimolchan; Walter Porter, of Kingstowne; Robert Cusake, of Gerradstowne; John Barnewall, of Mouncktone; Nicholas Dracot, of Oder; George Harvy, of Skrine; Walter Evers, of Tarraghe; Richard Cusake, of Lesmollen; John Barnwell, of Cookestowne; John Draycott, of----; Michael Barnwall, of Branestone; John Plunkett, of Clenardran; Robert Pentenie, of Jordanstowne; Ellen Plunkett, of Kilkarne.
Duleeke.--Lord of Gormanstowne; Lord of Trimletstowne; Justice Bath, of Athcarne; Richard Caddell, of the Nall; Robert Caddell, of Herberstowne; John Dracott, of Normanton; George Darcy, of Platten; Robert Preston, of Rogerstowne; Talbot, of Dardistowne; Richard Bellame, of Donakernie; Richard Stanley, of ----; Edward Tallon, "of the same;" Richard Aylemer, of Dollardston; Robert Delaffeeld, of Painstone; Lawrence Tafe, of Ardmolchan; John Chivers, of Mastostone; Christopher Bathe, of Rathfeigh; James Dillon, of Ballgeeth; John Cusake, of Cusingstone; Walter Gowlding, of Pierstone; Patrick Moore, of Duleeke; Richard Plunckett, of the Boles; Thomas Kent, of Dainstone; Thomas Hamling, of Smythstone; Patrick White, of Flemington; the Corporation of Dowleeke; Sir John Bellewe, of Bellewestowne; Sir Edward Moore; Birt, of Tullock.
Slane.--Baron of Slane; Newterville, of Dowthe; John Bath, of Cashiell; Patrick Barnewall, of Gernonstone; Patrick Fleming, of the same; Barnwall, of Rowthstowne; Garrett Fleming, of Loghbracan; Ivers, of Bingerstowne; Stookes, of Michellstone; Pierse Fleming, of Killarie; Richard Fleming, of Rath-Reynolds; the Lord of Lowth, of the Carricke; Walter Barnewall, of Calcestone; Robert Barnwall, of Staralan; Robert Mey, of Slane; George FitzJones, of the same; Edward Fleming, of Lobenstone; John Protfort, of Protfortstone.
Margallen.--William Fleming, of Stephenstone; John Newtervile, of Castleton; William Veldon, of Raffin; Patrick White, of Clongell; Patrick Beg, of Fleshillstone; William Garvey, of Knightstone; Tallon, of Willkenstone; Richard Plunkett, of the same; Thomas Darcy, of Donmove; Thomas Plunket, of Possickstone; John Darcie, of Rathoode; John Waffer, of Kilboy; Henry Rooe, of the same; Thomas Veldon, of Rathcon; Edmund----, of the Corballies; James FitzJohn, of Plainstone; James FitzGarrett, of Drakestone.
Novan.--Bishop of Meath; Baron of the Novan; James Dillon, of Moymett; Robert Rochfort, of Kilbrid; Alexander Evers, of Rathtaine; Richard Bellewe, of Bellewestowne; John Wafer, of Gainston; James Warren, of Philpotstowne; James Hill, of Allenstone; John Ewstace, of Leskartan; Richard Misset, of the same; George Cusake, of Rathallrone; Chr. Netterville, of Black Castle; Stephen Blacknie, for Cowlneallven; Waren, of Churchstowne; William FitzGarrett, of Ongestone; Patrick Manning, of Hatton; Robert Fleming, of Rathkennye; Thomas Teling, of Mullagha; Thomas Bath, of Ladin-Rath; Thomas Ashe, of Trim; Robert Hamon, of the same; James Cusake, of Tullegharde; Jasper Staples, of Hollanstone; Chr. Birt of Curghtone; Darcie, of Balreske; Sir John Dillon, of Doramestowne; Melcher Moore, of Escherowean; Thomas Luttrell, of Tankardstone.
Kelles.--Barnewall, of Robertstone; Betaghe, of Moynealty; Henry Mape, of Mape-Rath; William Betaghe, of Walterston; Drake, of Drakerath; William Balf, of Ardloman; Plunket, of Ardmath; Plunket, of Tath-Rath; Prountford, of Mountstowne; Thomas FitzJohnes, of Franstone; Henry Garvey, of Rossmyne; Sir Patrick Barnwall, for Killineighnam and Mitchmoore; Alexander Plunket, of Gibston; James Erwarde, of Randallstone; Gerrett Plunket, of Prestone; Garrett Plunket, of Ireshton; Edward Plunket, of Ball-Rath; Forde, of Fordestone; Nicholas Gillagh, of Gillstone; Thomas Plunket, of Thistlekeran; Plunket, of Ballnegin; Balf, of Ballnegin; Plunket, of Robinstone; Plunket, of Bolton; Ledgwitch of Cookestone.
Dece.--James Hussey, of Galtrim; Walter Hussey, of Moylehussey; Robert Hussey, of Ballrodan; Hussey, of Muchardroms; Martin Hussey, of Cullmollen; Hussey, of Cullendragh; Boys, of the Gallgath; George Garland, of Agher; Patrick Barnwall, of Arrolstone; James Fleming, of Derpatrick; Allen and Wiell, of Knockmarke; Henry Waringe, of Waringston; Richard Delahoyde, of Moyglare; Baron Eliot, of Balreske; Thomas Widder, of Lumaraghstone; John Cusake, of Troneblie; Richard Crumpe, of Marshallstone; John Glisten, of Collmollen; Richard Talbot, of Achar; Barnewall, of Killinessan and Athronan, "cum multis aliis;" Henry Usher, Lord Primate [Archbp. of Armagh], of Balstowne; Robert Barnewall, of Athshe; Walter Golding, of Ballendell.
Moyfenragh.--Richard Barnewell, of Newcastle; Garrat Westie (Wesley ?), of the Dengin; Patrick Lince, of the Knocke; Henry Dillon, of Little Frefan; Thomas Lynam, of Adamstowne; Richard Misset, of Bedlowestowne; Edward Kindellane, of Ballnekill; Peter Lynam, of Frefans; William McEvoy, of Balleneskeagh; Edmund Keeting, of Possickstowne; Chr. Leins, of Crobey; Edmund Darcy, of Clondaly; Richard Gifford, of Castle Jordan; Sir Edward FitzGerrald, of Teigheroghan; Gerrald FitzGerrald, of Moylaghe; Edward Aylmer, of the same; Patrick Cusake, of Clonmaghan; Henry Burnell, of Castle Richard; Edmund Darcy, of Jordanstowne; Henry Kinge, of Ardnemollen; Gregory Cole, of Clonard.
Lune.--Richard Plunket, of Rathmoore; Patrick Begge, of Moyagher; Martin Blake, James Dowdall, Melchior Moore, and Robert Misset, all of Athboy; Walter Scurlocke, of the Frame; Roger Dillon, of Ballenedramey; John Rochfort, of Kerranstone; Robert Rochfort, of Clonekevan; Walter Lince, of Donowre; Walter Nangle, of Kildalky.
Fowere.--Plunket, of Old-Castle; Plunket, of Newcaster; Plounket, of Loghrewe; Chr. Plunket, of Clonebreny; Plunket, of Ballinacaldde; Balf, of Collmoolestone; Robert Barnwall, of Moylaghoo; Tint (or Tuit ?), of Baltraseney; James Dowdall, of Athboy, "for Oliver Plunkett's lands in Ballegray"; Dardisse, of Gleveckloan; Plunket, of Thomastowne; Plunket, of Drumsavrie.
The distances of the above-mentioned places from Dublin, and the boundaries of the county, are specified.
Chr. Tath, of Ballibragan; Robert Tath, of Cookestowne; Tath, of Stevinston; Tath, of Rathclare; Verdon, of Clonmore, "descended of Theobald Verdon, High Constable of Ireland;" Clinton, of Dromcasshell; Tath, of Clintonstowne; Rice Ap Hugh, provost marshal, at Ardye; Sir John Bellewe, at Castleton; Dromgole, of Dromgolstowne; Dowdall, of Newton; Dowdall, of Glasepestell; Lord of Lowth, a Plunket, at Tallanston; Plunket, of the Nuehowse; Gernon or Jernon, of Gernonston; Gernon, of Donmoghan; Babe, of Derver; Stanley, of Merlinston; Warren, of Warrenstowne; Hadzor, of Keppogh; Barnewall, of Rathesker; Garret Fleming, of Crowmerton; Talbot, of Castlering; Sir Edward Moore, at Millefont; Lord Primate [Archbishop of Armagh], at Toromonseghan (?); "the marshal town of Carlingforde."
Distances from Drogheda and Dundalk, and boundaries, specified.
In Morgan Colman's hand.
Endorsed by Carew: "1596. A perambulation of the counties of Dublin, Wexford, Kilkenny, Catherlogh, Kildare, Q. County, K. County, Westmeath, Meath, Louth."
Held by:
Lambeth Palace Library, not available at The National Archives
Former reference in its original department:
MS 600, p. 143
Physical description:
20 Pages.
Unpublished finding aids:

Calendar of the Carew Manuscripts preserved in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth, ed. J. S. Brewer & W. Bullen (6 vols., 1867-73), vol. III, document 260.







