Lonford Barony EagleCrossCrownHammer  Branden Irish_norse-CoinBlondelCrestMeath Normandy  LongfordSealHeader


Styles of Non Peerage Feudal Barons

Barons (non-peerage nobility)

Position On envelopes Salutation in letter Oral address
Feudal baron The Much Hon John Smith of Edinburgh
or The Much Hon John Smith,
Baron of Edinburgh  or
The Much Hon The Baron of Edinburgh [8]
Sir  or
Dear Edinburgh  or
Dear Baron
Edinburgh  or
Female feudal baroness or
Feudal baron's wife
As feudal baron,
substituting "Madam"
for first name  and
substituting "Baroness" for "Baron",  or
Lady Edinburgh [9]
Madam  or
Dear Baroness  or Dear Lady Edinburgh
Madam  or
Baroness  or
Lady Edinburgh

Chiefs, chieftains and lairds

Position On envelopes Salutation in letter Oral address
Chief, chieftain or laird

(Only lairds recognised in a
territorial designation by
the Lord Lyon)
John Smith of Smith  or
John Smith of Edinburgh
John Smith of that Ilk  or
The Smith of Smith  or
The Smith of Edinburgh  or
The Smith [Note 10]
  only the 2nd form of
address above applies
to lairds
Sir  or
Dear Edinburgh (if placename in title)  or
Dear Smith (otherwise)
Edinburgh (if placename in title)  or
Smith (otherwise)
Female Chief, chieftain or laird or
Chief, chieftain or laird's wife
Chief, chieftain or laird's wife, substituting
"Madam" or "Mrs" for first
name or "The"
or Lady Edinburgh [11] [12] [13]
Madam  or
as on envelope
Madam  or
as on envelope
Chief (etc.)'s heir-apparent John Smith of Edinburgh, yr  or
John Smith, yr of Edinburgh  or
John Smith of Edinburgh
(last only if different first name to father)
Sir  or
Dear Younger of Edinburgh  or
Dear Mr Smith of Edinburgh
Sir  or
Young Edinburgh  or
The Younger of Edinburgh
Chief (etc.)'s heir-apparent's wife Mrs Smith of Edinburgh, yr  or
Mrs Smith, yr of Edinburgh
Madam  or
Dear Mrs Smith of Edinburgh the Younger
Madam  or
Mrs Smith of Edinburgh
Chief (etc.)'s eldest daughter (if none senior) Miss Smith of Edinburgh  or
Jane Smith, Maid of Edinburgh
Madam  or
Dear Miss Smith of Edinburgh  or
Dear Maid of Edinburgh
Madam  or
Miss Smith of Edinburgh  or
Maid of Edinburgh
Chief (etc.)'s younger daughter Miss Mary Smith of Edinburgh Madam  or
Dear Miss Smith of Edinburgh
Madam  or
Miss Smith of Edinburgh

 Analysis of Feudal Irish and Scottish Baronies









